Getting Started

How to create a new goal:

  • First, choose a category for your goal.

  • Choose a name for your goal.

  • Add some tags to further define your goal.

  • Estimate how many steps you need to accomplish this goal. (You can change this estimation later on.)

  • Select who can see your goal

  • The goal is created, and now you can add steps or milestones to your goal.

How to create steps or milestones for a goal:

  • Tap the “+ New step/milestone” button on a goal tree page.

  • Choose a name for your step(s).

  • There are further explanations about steps in the app.

  • Choose the date and time by which the step will be accomplished.

  • If a step is going to be repeated, you can create a series of steps at once using the automatic repetition feature.

  • You will define the final date up to which the step series lasts.

  • The created steps will be shown on the goal tree page. Milestones can be created in the same way.

How to create groups (task forces and challenges):

  • On the home screen, tap on the group tab.

  • This is the page where you can see all the groups you have joined and can create a new group.

  • Choose which type of group you want to create. Task forces are unlimited in time and limited in members, while challenges last one month and can have unlimited members.

  • Choose a name for your task force group.

  • Invite your friends to your group.

  • Choose a group photo.

  • Define the privacy scope and location of your group.

  • Once the group is created, you can create a goal for your group and then steps for that goal. Each group can have only one goal.

  • Each group step is considered done when a certain percentage of members mark it as done.

Create a new post using the plus button:

  • Tap on the big blue plus button on the home screen.

  • Tap on the post button.

  • You can only create posts based on your existing goal items.

  • Choose the goal you’re going to create your post about its progress.

  • Choose the step in your selected goal to create the post about.

  • If you haven’t marked the goal as done, you can do it directly here.

  • Then simply create your post and add hashtags, media, or location and define its privacy scope.

  • Your post will be visible to your target audience in their news feed.

Create new goals or steps using the plus button:

  • Start by tapping on the big blue plus button on the home screen.

  • Choose the option for creating new goal items.

  • Choose between creating a new goal, new steps, or milestones.

  • If you’re going to create new steps, you should define for which goal they will be created.

  • After choosing the goal, proceed with creating the steps as usual.

  • Choose the step title.

  • You can review the explanations about the meaning of a step.

  • Choose a target time by which the step activity will be done.

  • Choose if it’s a single step or a series of repeating steps.

  • Review the created steps in your goal tree.

Watchers are your accountability partners:

  • You can navigate to watching management from your profile page.

  • There are 3 tabs in watching management: You can accept or decline your friends’ requests to be a watcher in the Watching tab, and you can review the list of friends whose goals you watch over.

  • In the Watchers tab, you can review the list of friends who have accepted to watch over your goals.

  • In the Steps tab, you can review and verify the accomplished steps of your friends that you have agreed to watch over, and review your own steps that have been verified by your friends.


  • In the notification list, which is accessible from the ring icon on top of your home screen, you can get informed about different events in the app that need your attention.